DITA HYPHER-1183/DTS466-A-01

DITA HYPHER-1183/DTS466-A-01



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Διαθεσιμότητα καταστημάτων
  • Ακαδημίας, Αθήνα
  • Τσιμισκή, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Εμπορικό Μακεδονία, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Τούμπα, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Αμπελόκηποι, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Κατερίνη
  • Hommes, Femmes
  • Rectangulaire
  • Acétate
  • Black
  • Mode
  • 58

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DITA HYPHER-1183/DTS466-A-02


DITA HYPHER-1183/DTS466-A-02

DITA HYPHER-1183/DTS466-A-03


DITA HYPHER-1183/DTS466-A-03


Détails du produit

HYPHER-1183 redefines eyewear with a bold, futuristic edge. Drawing from the iconic DITA design, this frame blends the attitude of classic gangsters with the cutting-edge influence of cyberculture. HYPHER-1183 is for the individual who navigates both digital and physical worlds with precision, exuding confidence, power, and mystery.

The ultra-sculpted acetate frame is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, offering intricate details that make a statement. The flush drop lens design enhances the sleek aesthetic, while the custom-layered multi-piece hinge plate showcases exposed serrated accents for an industrial, high-tech feel. Finishing off the look are industrial-style hex screws with cone washers, adding a raw, mechanical element that speaks to the frame's fearless, cyberpunk-inspired design. This is eyewear for those who combine luxury with street style, embodying old-school toughness with futuristic flair.

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