Détails du produit
EVERCLEAN PURE Avizor peroxide system, is a modern and advanced daycare hydrophilic soft contact lens system. The system comprises a liquid peroxide solution, which is neutralized by adding a neutralizing tablet. The elimination is slow, making full disinfection and cleaning. At the end of the process, when the peroxide has been neutralized, the solution can be used for wetting and storing contact lenses, and is fully compatible with the eye.
- 2 hours neutralization cycle
- Easy, fast and effective
- In each package there is a new case of contact lenses
- It contains no preservatives, ideal for people sensitive to allergies
- Available in bottles of 225ml with 30 neutralizing tablets and instructions
- It lasts 30 days
Instructions for Use1. Fill the case with Avizor Ever Clean Pure solution until the indicator line.
2. Add a neutralizing tablet.
3. Place the lid with baskets containing their contact lenses in the holder and fasten well.
4. Shake the case for a few seconds.
5. After 2 hours of cleaning has been completed, the disinfection and neutralization of the solution and the contact lenses can be placed in the eye.
- Never use EVERCLEAN PURE solution without neutralization tablet.
- Do not use the unopened bottle solution after 60 days.
- Always keep the solution in temperature to 25° C.
- Pay attention to hygiene.
- Keep the case of contact lenses clean.
Package: 1 bottle of 225ml and 30 neutralizing tablets (1 month - included case for contact lenses).