
In stock
Διαθεσιμότητα καταστημάτων
  • Ακαδημίας, Αθήνα
  • Τσιμισκή, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Εμπορικό Μακεδονία, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Τούμπα, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Αμπελόκηποι, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Κατερίνη
  • Hommes, Femmes
  • Sportifs, Rectangulaire
  • Acétate
  • Voile, Sports nautiques
  • Brown
  • Des sports
  • 60

Détails du produit

Water Sports Technology by bolle Those who spend a lot of time on the water know it can be an unforgiving environment, which is why clarity and comfort are so important. Bollé® Marine sunglasses offer the perfect lens for lasting comfort in ocean and lake environments, incorporating the latest technology to keep your mind off of the conditions and focused on the task at hand. Bollé®’s ultra-durable lightweight frames feature Thermogrip® temple tips and nose pads, keeping your sunglasses securely on your face. For added security, all Bollé® Marine sunglasses come with a floating cord.
B-clear technology Whether you’re on a bike, slope or out in the country, perfect vision is crucial if you are to perform at your best. With clarity similar to that offered by glass lenses, b-Clear lenses considerably improve your vision.

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