INVU K2402/Y

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INVU K2402/A
INVU K2402/E
INVU K2402/F/A
INVU K2402/H

INVU K2402/Y



Available in 2-3 days
Διαθεσιμότητα καταστημάτων
  • Ακαδημίας, Αθήνα
  • Τσιμισκή, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Εμπορικό Μακεδονία, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Τούμπα, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Αμπελόκηποι, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Κατερίνη
  • Pour 6-8 ans
  • Pour enfants
  • Carrée
  • TR90, Classique
  • Blue
  • 45

Détails du produit

The INVU brand and product portfolio have been developed with the clear objective of offering an extraordinary customer experience for today’s consumers who demand products that combine up-to-date fashion trends with outstanding product performance at an attractive price point. The new international INVU brand name combines the words “View”, representing the outstanding visual experience of the new ultra polarized lenses, and the word “IN” that stands for the latest designs in eyewear fashion. The combination of the brand name with the “Ultra Polarized” claim and the quality promise of the “by Swiss Eyewear Group” signature merge the concepts of fashion, product performance, and quality into one clear proposition. The 100% polarized INVU collection is built around a core of best-selling styles for both men and women with a range of frame and lens colour combinations that is guaranteed to see product “fly off the shelves”. In addition there is a substantial “trend segment” that manages to retain a strong commercial slant, as well as a proven range of sporty street styles that appeals to the younger target group. The pre-teen market is covered with a stunning range of children’s sunglasses which are often adult best-sellers “sized down” to comfortably and snuggly fit on a child’s face. All INVU products feature the Ultra Polarized Lens, offering consumers crystal-clear, glare-free vision with improved colour contrasts, less eye fatigue and a better perception of detail. In addition, the lenses have a highly efficient UV absorber that eliminates all harmful UV-A and UV-B light all the way up to 400 nanometers. The INVU. Ultra Polarized Lens is manufactured in a state of the art optical manufacturing plant using multi-layer lens technology and advanced coatings. INVU Ultra Polarized Lenses combine nine special layers including a polarizer, colour enhancers, UV-absorbers, impact absorption layers and hard coatings. The end result is an extraordinary and unrivalled visual experience for consumers. Swiss Eyewear Group (International) AG is a registered privately held company with its headquarters in Zürich Switzerland. INVU is a registered trademark of the Swiss Eyewear Group (International)AG.

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