
  • Hommes, Femmes
  • Sportifs
  • TR90
  • Black, Yellow
  • Des sports
  • 00

Détails du produit

This model provides optimum protection for the eyes and face thanks to a nose guard and removable Spandex side shields that comfortably protect against wind and glare. Its modular design is the perfect companion for sailors on their adventures, whether offshore outings or the high seas. CustomFIT temples with precise and long-lasting adjustment, combined with a Grip Tech structure, produce a tailor-made grip and a lightweight spec. Fitted with a 3D Nose, the glasses offer flawless hold when you’re working flat out. The panoramic lens guarantees protection and total comfort while the SPECTRON 4 HD Glare Control spec offers category 4 protection combined with 80% polarization. ULTIMATE COVER OCEAN MASTER is the ideal pair of sunglasses for sailing. This model comes with a yellow neoprene floating cord (H44B892).

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