
In stock
Διαθεσιμότητα καταστημάτων
  • Ακαδημίας, Αθήνα
  • Τσιμισκή, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Εμπορικό Μακεδονία, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Τούμπα, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Αμπελόκηποι, Θεσσαλονίκη
  • Κατερίνη
  • Hommes
  • Sportifs
  • Acétate
  • Brown
  • Classique
  • 64

Détails du produit

Maui Jim 266/03F sunglasses with SuperThin Glass quality of lens in neutral grey color.

SuperThin Glass (ST)
This provides the best optical experience. ST Glass is more durable, scratch-resistant, 20% thinner and lighter in weight than the standard, laminated glass lenses, thus, delivering a more comfortable wearing experience.

Neutral Grey
Neutral Grey offers the highest available light reduction for bright, direct sunlight, while enhancing colour and contrast.

Protect your eyes
All Maui Jim sunglasses have been recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation as an effective ultraviolet (UV) filter for the eyes and surrounding skin.
Maui Jim sunglasses carry PolarizedPlus2 technology based lenses, which wipe away 99.9% of the glare coming from any surface. These lenses give a 100% protection against the harmful UV rays of the sun, and boost natural colours to give an impeccable viewing experience.
PolarizedPlus2 technology gives Maui Jim lenses a multi-layer advantage over normal lenses. Following are the multi-layers, which comprise all the lenses from the house of this international eyewear brand.

Waterproof & oleophobic coating
The Waterproof layer casts off water and snow from the lenses. The Oleophobic coating makes it easy to wipe off any greasy substances like smudges and fingerprints, away from the front and the back of the lens.

Anti-reflecting treatment
The Anti-Reflective Treatment layer blocks all light reflections and annoying glare to provide a clean and clear viewing experience, keeping all eye fatigue at bay.

Clearshell scratch-resistant treatment
Available in MauiPure, Maui Evolution and Polycarbonate lenses only, the Clearshell Treatment lengthens the life and performance of the lenses by adding a scratch-resistant layer on the front and the rear side of the lenses.

Colour enhancing lenses
Maui Jim lenses are optically correct, distortion-free and are made of feature-patented technology to infuse a comfortable viewing experience with bright and accurate colours.

Polarizing film
The polarizing film is responsible for eliminating reflected glares from any flat, smooth or shiny surface, thus giving the wearer a much crisper view. The Polarizing film makes it possible to see even below the surface of water, displaying colours more vividly. The better the polarizing film, the better is the vision clarity. The high-quality Polarizing films are manufactured by Mitsubishi, which also supplies films for cars.

The Bi-Gradient layer is a protective mirror inserted at the top and bottom of the lenses further keeping all the light reflection away from your sensitive eyes.

Maui Gradient
MauiGradient is a trademark application which is inserted at the top of the lens, which gradually gets lighter towards the lower end. With MauiGradient, only appropriate amount of light is allowed to filter through certain areas, while less light is filtered through places where protection is more prominent, thus saving the eyes from overhead glares more efficiently.

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